I'm 18 nowwwww! Yesss sirrrr! I asked my Mom the other day what you could do when you turned 18, she didn't really know of much so I did a lil researching and this is what I found:
- Vote
- Get a tattoo/piercing
- Enlist in the military
- Change your name
- Buy spray paint
- Work more hours
- Pawn something
- Get married
- Get divorced
- Adopt a child
- Be on Jerry Springer
- Get a hotel room
- Get a Costco membership
- Skydive or go bungee jumping
- Sign legal documents/contracts
- Gamble
- Go to adult jail
- Enter a contest
- Rent a post office box
There were several on the list, I just narrowed it down to the ones I like. I mean who wouldn't want to be on Jerry Springer?? "You are NOT this baby's Daddy!"
I got a lot of stuff for my dorm for my birthday! I can't wait to get in there and transform it into my own little Libby Land!
Kainen took me to Sip and Strokes to paint an Owl for my B'day! God love him lol
So much has happened since I've blogged last! Hmmm let me think what other interesting things I have to share :)
My gorgeous step-sister got married! I love Lauren and Jason SO stinking much!!
I spend a lot of my time in Livingston at cheer practice now :) I'm so excitedd!!! I move August 10th and I just can't wait! I love my team and I look forward to going to practice because we always have so much fun together! A lot of people keep telling me that the people you meet in college will be with you forever. Sooooo, I would like to introduce my BFFs, Makaela and Hannah!
This is Makaela :)
and this is Hannah :)
I roll with the best and nothing less
Well that's all for now.